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C# different syntax in formatting numbers

I got a simple question regarding formatting numbers in C#.

I have a format like this


which was suggested by this website , which basically showing at least 2 decimal places of a number.

Then this website has suggested a different format string


Now, I understand the former and latter have functional differences. For instance, I should use the former in string.Format() calls and the latter in Decimal.ToString() calls. But what I'd like to know is what's the importance in having the curly braces and the


Any ideas?

When you're using String.Format , you can have more than one "item" which will be formatted. This is determined by using {n} where n is the index into the list of values:

var result = string.Format("Arg1 == {0}, Arg2 == {1}", arg1, arg2);

This isn't required with Decimal.ToString and similar since there is only ever one value.

The 0: is really just {0} , and : is used to break out the format specification (everything after the : is effectively the same as what the ToString methods use).

When using String.Format , the curly braces indicate that you are placing a parameter to be replaced by a string. The 0 indicates that it is the first parameter, so for example consider the following:

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", "A", "B", "C"));

Would output "ABC". Whereas:

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{2} {0} {1}", "A", "B", "C"));

Would output "CAB".

Hope that helps.

Curly braces is used as a "sign" to be replaced with the value. Number in the curly braces (0 based index) is the index pointing the value.


string.Format("{0:#,##0} {1:#,##0} {0:#,##0}", 2345, 6789);

Will resulting:

2,345 6,789 2,345

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