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Apache ProxyPass and errors

I have two ProxyPass directives:

ProxyPass /client/
<Location /client/>
    RequestHeader edit X-GWT-Module-Base ^(.*)/client/(.*)$ $1/client/$2

ProxyPass /
<Location />
    RequestHeader edit X-GWT-Module-Base ^(.*)/(.*)$ $1/client/$2
</Location> is running Glassfish on port 8080 and is URL to a GWT based application. Both proxy's work OK ,except when it comes to an error on the Glassfish side. If I go via /cllient/ proxy then I see the actual error that was produced on the Glassfish side. If I go via / proxy then I only see "Error 500 The call failed on the server, please see server log". I've tried setting ProxyErrorOverride Off , but it didn't help.

Why don't I see the error via / proxy?


is the approach I'm using now and it works:

ProxyPass /    
<Location />
    RequestHeader edit X-GWT-Module-Base ^(http)://([^/]+)/(.*)$ $1://$2/myGWTApp/$3

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