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PHP If/ELSE or Switch/Case Statement

I have give inputs which can be either 1 or 0


I have the Following Cases and i want to display unique message back to the user for each one of them

a b c d e
1 0 0 0 0   No Visa Required
0 1 0 0 0   Visa can be obtained on Arrival
0 0 1 0 0   You need Schengen Visa
0 0 0 1 0   You need UK visa
0 0 0 0 1   You need US visa
0 0 1 1 1   You need Either of the Visas
0 0 1 1 0   You need Schengen/UK visa
0 0 1 0 1   You need Schengen/US visa
0 0 0 1 1   You need USA/UK visa

Where ABCDEF are the above variables. Which is the best and optimized way to display the results.

The conditions you're showing can very nicely be modeled via bit masks:

$messages = [
    16 => 'No Visa Required',
    8  => 'Visa can be obtained ...',
    4  => ...

You then just have to format your separate variables into a bitmask:

$bitmask = ($no_required ? 16 : 0)
         | ($on_arrival  ? 8  : 0)
         | ...;

Then just pick the right message:

echo $messages[$bitmask];

Note: use of constants instead of magic numbers is pretty much mandatory here as well, so it'd look like this:

define('VISA_NONE',       1);
define('VISA_ON_ARRIVAL', 2);

$messages = [
    VISA_NONE         => 'No Visa Required',
    VISA_US | VISA_UK => 'You need USA/UK visa'

// using multiplication instead of conditionals, as mentioned in the comments
$bitmask = $no_required * VISA_NONE
         | $on_arrival  * VISA_ON_ARRIVAL
         | ...;

echo $messages[$bitmask];

Wrap the whole thing in an appropriate class and you have yourself a nice, readable, maintainable, reusable piece of business logic:

class Visa {

    const NONE       = 1;
    const ON_ARRIVAL = 2;

    protected $messages = [];

    protected $visa;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->messages = [
            static::NONE            => 'No Visa Required',
            static::US | static::UK => 'You need USA/UK visa'

     * @param int  $type    One of the class constants.
     * @param bool $enabled Whether this type of visa is required.
    public function set($type, $enabled) {
        $this->visa = $this->visa | $type * (int)(bool)$enabled;

    public function getMessage() {
        return $this->messages[$this->visa];


$visa = new Visa;
$visa->set($visa::NONE,       $no_required);
$visa->set($visa::ON_ARRIVAL, $on_arrival);

echo $visa->getMessage();
$messages = array('10000' => 'No Visa Required', '01000' => 'Visa can be obtained on Arrival');
$no_required = '0';
$on_arrival = '1';
$schengen_visa = '0';
$uk_visa = '0';
$usa_visa = '0';

$result = "$no_required$on_arrival$schengen_visa$uk_visa$usa_visa";
if(array_key_exists($result, $messages)){
 echo $messages[$result]; //Visa can be obtained on Arrival


I think switch will be good option:


    case "10000":
        echo "No Visa Required";
    case "01000"   
        echo "Visa can be obtained on Arrival.";
    case "00100":
        echo "You need Schengen Visa";
         .   //Continue to add cases .

A little tip:

Why don't you convert all those binary numbers into a integer value and then pass them through a switch statement?


    $integer_value = convert_binary_to_integer(a,b,c,d,e);

    // I'm not sure PHP provdies a function to convert binary numbers to integers number:
    // But you can write it yourself. It's pretty easy

    switch($integer_value) {
        case 16: // As the first combination of a,b,c,d,e corresponds to number 16 
             // do the appropriate action
            // ... and so on

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