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c# SelectSingleNode in xml returns null. There is no similar resolutions this issue at this site

I've got the problem with reading XML string. Here I've got the following one:

<SplitterLayoutDataSet xmlns="http://tempuri.org/SplitterLayoutDataSet.xsd"> 

So, I want to read <SplitterName> tag wih the following code:

XmlElement rootElement = doc.DocumentElement;
if (rootElement != null)
        foreach (KeyValuePair<Control, object> key in SaveLayoutControls)
            Control c = key.Key;
            XmlElement el = rootElement.SelectSingleNode("SplitterName") as XmlElement;
            if (el != null)
                if (c is GridControl)
                    SetGridLayout(el, c as GridControl);
                else if (c is SplitContainerControl)
                    SetSplitContainerLayout(el, c as SplitContainerControl);
                else if (c is TreeList)
                    SetTreeListLayout(el, c as TreeList);
                else if (c is CollapsibleSplitter)
                    SetCollapsibleSplitterLayout(el, c as CollapsibleSplitter);
                else if (c is Splitter)
                    SetSplitterLayout(el, c as Splitter);

I want to read the "el" field, but it returns me NULL value. Are there any ideas to resolve this issue? Because I tried many ways and had no result. Thanks

There are two problems:

1) You're asking for a SplitterName element without a namespace whereas the one in your XML file implicitly uses the namespace URI "http://tempuri.org/SplitterLayoutDataSet.xsd" .

2) You're asking for a node directly under the document element, and your SplitterName element isn't a direct child of SplitterLayoutDataSet .

You definitely can use XPath for this using XmlNamespaceManager , but personally I'd try to use LINQ to XML:

XNamespace ns = "http://tempuri.org/SplitterLayoutDataSet.xsd";
XElement root = ...;
XElement names = root.Descendants(ns + "SplitterName").First();

(Additionally, it's not clear why you're searching for that element on every iteration, when you're not using key anywhere in the search...)

Your XPath doesn't point to the right place.

"SplitterName" xpath would check for that element under the root element.


"//SplitterName" or "//SplitterLayout/SplitterName" or "\\SplitterLayoutDataSet/SplitterLayout/SplitterName"

AND remove the xmlns="zzz" or add NamespaceManager to the query with the namespace added and the XPath elements prefixed, such as "//ns:SplitterName"

OK, I found a solution. I tried to use namespaces, now this part of code works OK. Here is the following sample of code;

    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    doc.InnerXml = xml;
    XmlElement rootElement = doc.DocumentElement as XmlElement;
    XmlNamespaceManager xns = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);
    xns.AddNamespace("ns", "http://tempuri.org/SplitterLayoutDataSet.xsd");
    if (rootElement != null)
        foreach (KeyValuePair<Control, object> key in SaveLayoutControls)
            Control c = key.Key;
            XmlElement el = rootElement.SelectSingleNode("ns:SplitterLayout", xns) as XmlElement;
            if (el != null)
                if (c is GridControl)
                    SetGridLayout(el, c as GridControl);
                else if (c is SplitContainerControl)
                    SetSplitContainerLayout(el, c as SplitContainerControl);
                else if (c is TreeList)
                    SetTreeListLayout(el, c as TreeList);
                else if (c is CollapsibleSplitter)
                    SetCollapsibleSplitterLayout(el, c as CollapsibleSplitter);
                else if (c is Splitter)
                    SetSplitterLayout(el, c as Splitter);

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