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Why is my new object undefined?

I am creating a script to pull certain information from a Facebook stream and insert them into an object I create. I would like the object to look like this:

fbObj {
        {"name": "blah", "post": "this is a post"}
        {"name": "blah_2", "post": "this is another post"}

Is this a good way to create that object?

 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        function buildObject() {

           //create the object
            var fbObj = {}
            FB.api('me?fields=feed.fields(story,message,from,updated_time)', function(response) {

            //loop through feed, add items to object
        for (i = 0, l = response.feed.data.length; i < l; i++){
            var post = response.feed.data[i];
            if (post.story){
                fbObj[i].name = post.from.name
                fbObj[i].post = post.story
            if (post.message){
                fbObj[i].name = post.from.name
                fbObj[i].post =  post.message

        var x = document.getElementById("toObject");

fbObj的访问方式像数组,而不是对象,因此应对其进行初始化: var fbObj = []

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