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javascript: extract parts of a string (regex)

The question is simple, assume the following string:

var str = '<a href="aaaa">aaaaa</a><a href="bb">b\'s</a>'

How do you extract the value of href. I would think something like

var arr = str.match(/(?:href=")(\w+)/g) ;
--> ["href="aaaa", "href="bb"]

Of course I want

["aaaa", "bb"]

Withoug the /g it get close, but it only matches "aaaa". Any suggestions how to fix this ?


Because Javascript doesn't have lookbehind, this may be what you want. Naturally there will be more elegant solutions:

function(x){return x.split('href')[1].replace(/[^"]+"(.*)/,'$1');

Additionally, you may be better off getting a HTML parsing plugin. And extracting the properties you need using that.


DOM parsing with JS is so easy.

var str = '<a href="aaaa">aaaaa</a><a href="bb">b\'s</a>',
    help = document.createElement('div');

helper.innerHTML = str;

Array.prototype.forEach.call(help.querySelectorAll("a[href]"), function (elem) {


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