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How to draw in WPF by pixel

Necessary to draw by pixels array with data (large). How can I do that?

I tried a Canvas and Rectangle on it - the computer hanged himself ... Tried the following options below (DrawingContext) - computer still hangs himself, but a little bit less.

Please recommend options with the least load on the computer. int width = 800; - the size of the array (large!!!) int size = 1; - it is desirable to be able to make the fragment is not only one but several pixels

protected override void OnRender(System.Windows.Media.DrawingContext drawingContext)
            Random rnd = new Random();
            int width = 800;
            int size = 1;
            CellType[,] types = new CellType[width, width];
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    int r = rnd.Next(0, 100);
                    if (r >= 70) types[j,i] = CellType.IsOccupied;
                    else types[j, i] = CellType.IsEmpty;

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                    Brush brush = Brushes.Black;

                    switch (types[j, i])
                        case CellType.IsEmpty: brush = Brushes.Green;
                        case CellType.IsOccupied: brush = Brushes.Black;

                    new Pen(brush, 1),
                    new Rect(j * size, i * size, size, size));


For how long does it freeze? A couple of years ago I did something quite similar in Silverlight. It was a bit slow but still acceptable. Try using WriteableBitmap with SetPixel or FillRectangle methods, but please keep in mind that drawing pixel by pixel in a loop will always take some time.

Forgot to mention SetPixel and FillRectangle may need WriteableBitmapEx, available here: http://writeablebitmapex.codeplex.com/

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