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Passing parameters from Activity.onCreate into other methods

I am currently learning Java and am a rookie at Android. Below is my onCreate method, and towards the end of it I have two EditText fields, passT (Plain text) and keyT (encryption key). I want to pass these two as parameters into my encryption method (also below) and retreive the result and set the value in the cipher EditText .

I'd like to have the value set to an email address that the user will input ( emailT , currently no EditText field set for it).

public class ScreenNext extends Activity {

    int key = 0;
    static char ch;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        EditText emailT;//Import  EditTexts (Key and Email)  
        Button send = (Button) findViewById(R.id.bSend);//Import button1 (Send)
        final EditText passT = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.etTogg);//passT variable for Password Text for EditText field
        final EditText keyT = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.etKey);
        final EditText passT = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.etTogg);//passT variable for Password Text for EditText field

        send.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

            public void onClick(View v) {
                // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                String keyText = keyT.getText().toString();
                String passText = passT.getText().toString();


    }//End onCreate

My Encryption method (others included in case they need to be observed for my solution):

public static String message(String choice, String subKey, String message) {
    int Option = Integer.parseInt(choice);//Must pareseInt
    int key = Integer.parseInt(subKey);
    message = message.toLowerCase();

    //If the key is 26, prompt the user to change the key

    if (key % 26 == 0) {

        //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "You can't use a modulus of 26 as a key", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


    ScreenNext subcipher_1 = null;
    String CipherTxt = subcipher_1.encrypt(message, key);
    return CipherTxt;

// Message prompt method finished, now we create the method that has the
// encrypting algorithms

public static String encrypt(String Txt, int key) {

    //local var cipherText of type string is init empty
    String CipherTxt = "";//May be able to remove this'un 
    String cText="";
    //enhanced for loop 
    // start at 0, go until "as long as input text" 
    for (int i = 0; i < Txt.length(); i++) {
        //get a char from the string at index i (start at 0 work through to end of string)
        // and store in local var extractedChar for type char
        char extractedChar = Txt.charAt(i);
        /* enhanced for loop 
         * start at 0, go until end of user entered cipherKeyValue
         * either set to lowercase a or add one to the char
         * uses the checkifz method
        for (int j = 0; j < key; j++) {
            ScreenNext subcipher_1 = null;
            if (subcipher_1.checkIfZ(extractedChar) == true) {
                extractedChar = 'a';
            } else {
            CipherTxt= new StringBuilder().append(extractedChar).toString();
        //add extracted char to builder object
        //change object builder to string and assing to cipherText of type String
        //create new object builder from StringBuilder class
        cText = cText.concat(CipherTxt);
    //Pass the cipherText value out of the method to whom ever called it

    return cText;

Declare the variables at class level

public class ScreenNext extends Activity {

    int key = 0;
    static char ch;
    String keyText = null;
    String passText = null;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // ....
        send.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                keyText = keyT.getText().toString();
                passText = passT.getText().toString();
        // ...
    // ...

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