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How can I get git in sync with remote master branch

I'm confused about why my production server seems to think it is ahead of my master branch. I use fabric to deploy, and it runs a git pull on the server from my master branch on github. I make no changes that I'm aware of on the production server itself, and I certainly do not make commits on the production server.

git status yields:

  # On branch master
  # Your branch is ahead of 'github/master' by 57 commits.
  nothing to commit (working directory clean)

As far as I can tell, what's on the production server matches the master branch on in my dev environment. At least the site acts the same, but I find this disconcerting. Any ideas on how to get the production repository on the same page as github master and stop giving me this message?

Edit (4/11/2013):

Just to clarify, when I use fabric to deploy, it runs:

git pull github master on the server.

My git status results written above in the original question, are on the server. I NEVER make commits on the server, only in my dev environment, which I push to github, which are in turn pulled to the server. That's why I'm confused. I certainly don't want to push anything from my production server to github, that's the opposite direction of my workflow.

2nd Edit (4/11/2013):

here's the fabfile git code:

def prepare_remote_deployment_area():
    """Prepare the production host with updated resources"""
    with cd(DEPLOYMENT_ROOT):
        run('git pull github master')

this is called from deploy:

def deploy():
    """Deploy an update (committed to GitHub) to production"""

Again, this all seems to work in the sense that the changes I make in my dev environment show up on production. I just don't understand why the production repository thinks it's so far ahead of github master.

Perhaps git pull

git pull origin master

More info

       git-pull - Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local

       Incorporates changes from a remote repository into the current
       branch. In its default mode, git pull is shorthand for git fetch
       followed by git merge FETCH_HEAD.

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