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MDX - Drill down in a hierarchy to the last level having the member caption containing “#”

I have a UserHierarchy, and when the member caption of the current level contains a "#" in the name, is resembles a particular user type. The UserHierarchy, contains up to 5 levels.

I would like to display drilled down data, but only for these particular user types, hence only those captions which have "#". I would also want to aggregate the children's data.

Is there a simple way in MDX to accomplish this?

Example :

#User1 €2
---#User2 €6
---------User4 €9
---------User5 €4
---#User3 €2
---------User6 €4
---------User7 €4

I would like to display figures, for themselves and children like this. To understand, I included where the figures were obtained from :

#User1 €2
---#User2 €19 (Obtained from : €6 + €9 + €4)
---#User3 €10 (Obtained from : €2 + €4 + €4)
select [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount] on columns,
non empty(
  descendants({[Product].[Category].children}) *
      instr([Product].[Subcategory].currentmember.member_caption, 'T') = 1)
  * descendants({[Product].[Product].children})
on rows  from cube

Result with detailed info:


"Second result:

Here i have deleted the row:

* descendants({[Product].[Product].children})

I think that´s what you want since it shows the totals of the children.


You need to exchange the 'T' for your '#' then also the dimension names and what you want to show as a measure.

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