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Handling all exceptions

Will the below code handle any type of exception?

    // some code
catch(Exception e)
    // some code part

Or should I do like this:

    // some code 
catch(type of Exception e)
    // some coding stuff

You can try below things :

1) To catch all Exception object and its sub-types :

try {

     // potential exception throwing code

    catch(Exception e){

2) To catch all Throwable and sub-types :

 try {

     // potential exception and error throwing code

    catch(Throwable t){

3) To catch any XYZ Exception and its sub-types:

 try {

     // potential XYZException throwing code

    catch(XYZException xyzException){

Please refer to the Oracle site : http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/exceptions/ , for more information .

try { 
   //some code 
} catch(Exception e) { 
   //some code part 

It will handle all type of exception because its parent class of all type of exception but if you are getting Error like AWTError or VirtualMachine Error -> OutOfMemoryError or StackOverFlowError then it will not handle it.

To handle all type of exception and error do like this.

try {
    // some code 
catch(Throwable throwable) {
   // some coding stuff

Example 2:

try {
    // some code 
catch(type of Exception e) {
   // some coding stuff

This will not handle all type of exception. If you write here NullPointerException then it will handle only NullPointerException .

Remember: Define the catch in such a way that put the sub class to first then parent class otherwise code become Unreachable and you will get compile time error.

try {
    // some code 
catch(NullPointerException e) {
   // some coding stuff
catch(Exception e) {
  // some coding stuff

It depends on the type of Exception in your catch statement catch (Exception e) will catch any Exception as it is the parent class of all Exceptions. catch (FileNotFoundException e) will only catch FileNotFoundExceptions.

This allows you to have multiple catch statements:

try {
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        //do something with FileNotFoundException
catch (IOException e) {
        //do something with IOException
try { some code } catch(Exception e) { some code part }

will catch any exception of type Exception or any subclass of it. If you want to catch any exception, use

try { some code } catch(Throwable e) { some code part }

then you will get the Error s (class not found etc.) as well.

Try should be followed by a catch. FileNotFoundException is a sub Exception of IOException. So it must come first. If you have some file opened and an exception occurs in try block you need to close that in finally block. The finally block always executes when the try block exits.

try {

catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    //do something with FileNotFoundException
catch (IOException e) {
    //do something with IOException
     // do some clean up operation





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