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Handling response from an ASP.NET web service using Jquery's Ajax function

I have this response coming from a ASP.NET web service

<string xmlns="http://Walkthrough/XmlWebServices/">
{"approverName":"","emailAddress":"","companyName":"ABC","address":{"streetAddress1":"12 BlahBlah","streetAddress2":"","state":"ON","zipCode":"","country":"SO","phoneNumber":""},"tabledata:"[{"vendorPart":"AAAAA","partDescription":"N/A","price":"0.00","quantity":"28"},{"vendorPart":"BBBBBBB","partDescription":"N/A","price":"0.00","quantity":"3"},{"vendorPart":"CCCCCC","partDescription":"N/A","price":"0.00","quantity":"25"}]}

which is being called with this jquery function:

$(document).ready(function() {
                type: "POST",
                url: "http://www.webservice.com/blahblah.asmx/blahb123",
                data: "tnWsGuid=TEST1",
                dataType: "script",
                    success: function(msg)
                    error: function(e)

My first question is this, I was having 403 forbidden issues with this function but omitting the contentType changed that. Then I was getting XML parsing issue and on a whim changing the dataType to script fixed that and gave me a response and I hit the success function. Why did that work?

I also would like to know how I can print out this data, because trying to treat it as json won't work, neither does XML.

In chrome I receive this warning:

Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/xml: "http://www.webservice.com/blahblah.asmx/blahb123?tnWsGuid=TEST1&_=1366025879568."

The part appended to the end of this url is confusing me (after TEST1). In the console I also get this error in chrome:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < 

Firebug gives me:

SyntaxError: syntax error
 [Break On This Error]  

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<string xmlns="http://Walkthrough/XmlWebServices/">
    {"approverName":"","emailAddress":"","companyName":"ABC","address":{"streetAddress1":"12 BlahBlah","streetAddress2":"","state":"ON","zipCode":"","country":"SO","phoneNumber":""},"tabledata:"[{"vendorPart":"AAAAA","partDescription":"N/A","price":"0.00","quantity":"28"},{"vendorPart":"BBBBBBB","partDescription":"N/A","price":"0.00","quantity":"3"},{"vendorPart":"CCCCCC","partDescription":"N/A","price":"0.00","quantity":"25"}]}

So basically now that the dataType is script I get some sort of response but still have no idea how to parse this data. Preferably into a html table.

I hope you can help! Thanks for reading!


Here is a link to the header information logged by Firebug here

your need to set datatype to json as the server send a json array. see the datatype section here http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/

我已经解决了这个问题,并成功地在IE中返回了数据集(由于Chrome和Firefox的异步问题,目前还不能在Chrome和Firefox上运行,我希望在托管此页面时可以解决这两个问题。我添加了$.support.cors = true;就在ajax函数和我的新成功函数之前,正确地显示了数据,如下所示:

function(data, status, jqxhr) { xmlString = data;
alert(xmlString); }

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