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Contact Form PhoneGap API + Javascript + HTML5

I am trying to create a contact form using the PhoneGap API accompanied with javascript and HTML5 for the form layout. By contact form I mean I want to be able to add new contacts and search for existing ones. So far I followed a tutorial/video off the Adobe Website to do this.

A few Notes: * I have to use PhoneGap 1.9.0 * It has to run on Android 2.3.3 Level 10 * I am not an overly confident programmer

The code I have is:


    $( document ).bind( 'deviceready', function() {

    $('#btnCreate').bind('touchstart', function() {
        var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
        var name = null;

        contact.displayName =
        $( 'txtFirst' ).attr('value') + ' ' +       $( 'txtLast' ).attr('value');

        contact.nickname =
        $( 'txtFirst' ).attr('value') + ' ' +       $( 'txtLast' ).attr('value');

        name = new ContactName();
         name.givenName = $( 'txtFirst' ).attr('value');
         name.familyName = $( 'txtFirst' ).attr('value');
         contact.name = name;

         contact.emails = [
         new ContactField ( 'home', $( '#txtEmail' ).attr('value'), true )];

         contact.phoneNumbers = [
         new ContactField ( 'mobile', $( '#txtMobile' ).attr('value'), true )];

         contact.save(function() {

             $('#txtFirst').attr('value', '');
             $('#txtLast').attr('value', '');

         $('#txtEmail').attr('value', '');

         $('#txtMobile').attr('value', '');
         }, function() {
             console.log( 'Error' );
         } );
    } );

    $( '#btnFind' ).bind( 'touchstart', function() {

        var fields = ['*'];
        var options = {
            filter: $( '#txtLast' ).attr( 'value' ), multiple:true };

            navigator.contacts.find( fields, function(contacts) {
                $( '#txtFirst').attr('value', contacts[0].name.givenName );
                $( '#txtLast').attr('value', contacts[0].name.familyName );
                $( '#txtEmail').attr('value', contacts[0].emails[0].value );
                $( '#txtMobile').attr('value', contacts[0].phoneNumber[0].value );
            }, function(error) {
            options );



    <div data-role="content">
      <div id="contactContainer" >

<form id="lblFirst" > First Name: </form>
<input id="txtFirst" placeholder="First Name"/>

<form id="lblLast"> Last Name: </form>
<input id="txtLast" placeholder="Last Name"/>

<form id="lblEmail"> Email: </form>
<input id="txtEmail" placeholder="Email"/>

<form id="lblMobile"> Phone : </form>
<input id="txtMobile" placeholder="Phone"/>

<button id="btnCreate" data-corners="false">Create Contact </button>
<button id="btnFind" data-corners="false"> Find Contact </button>

Thanks for your time

You have to use the Contact plugin in Phonegap/Cordova. maybe this video tutorial could help you out as it shows you how to use HTML5 and PhoneGap to create contacts on a user's mobile device..

您可能需要检查ContactPicker插件以使用本机ui创建和搜索联系人,您要做的就是自己添加文件并更新配置文件,而无需使用phonegap cli。

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