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How to check an object for null values

I am using an object type variable to store a query result for binding to a drop down list. I do not want further processing on an object if it is null .

My code is :

object course;
if (GetWebsiteCurrentMode().ToLower() == "demo")
    course = from t in context.CourseTestDetails
            join c in context.Courses
            on t.CourseID equals c.ID                                  
            where t.UserID == UserID && c.IsDeleted == true
            select new

    course = from t in context.CourseTestDetails
            join c in context.Courses
            on t.CourseID equals c.ID                                  
            where t.UserID == UserID  c.IsDeleted == false
            select new
if(course !=null )
    ddlCourseName.DataSource = course;

    ddlCourseName.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("Select Course Name", "0"));
    ddlCourseName.SelectedValue = "0";
    //do something different

How can I check object type variable for null/empty?

Your object course would never be null, it may or may not contain record. Since you are getting the results back in object , you should cast it to IEnumerable and use Any` to see if it contains record. You can try:

if ((course as IEnumerable<object>).Any())
    //records found
    //no record found
if (course != null && (course as IEnumerable<object>).Any())

Optional: Additionally you should also check that object is implements IList interface

if (course  is IList)


The queries are not null but empty. But since you're using an object you cannot use Enumerable.Empty . You can use following trick from E. Lippert to get one inferred-typed variable for multiple IEnumerable<anynymous type> :

Use this method to create a typed variable from an anonymous type:

static IEnumerable<T> SequenceByExample<T>(T t){ return null; }

Now this works:

var course = SequenceByExample(new { ID = 0, CourseName = "" } );
if (GetWebsiteCurrentMode().ToLower() == "demo")
    course = from t in context.CourseTestDetails
            join c in context.Courses
            on t.CourseID equals c.ID                                  
            where t.UserID == UserID && c.IsDeleted == true
            select new
    course = from t in context.CourseTestDetails
    // ...
   // ...
    //do something different

Declaring an implicitly typed variable inside conditional scope and using it outside

Here's a simple example to demonstrate that it works: http://ideone.com/lDNl4d

var course = from t in context.CourseTestDetails
                 join c in context.Courses
                 on t.CourseID equals c.ID                                  
                 where t.UserID == UserID && c.IsDeleted == (GetWebsiteCurrentMode().ToLower() == "demo")
                 select new

if (course.Any()) ...

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