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PhoneGap copy files between different folders

I am trying to copy one jpg file from one folder into another in PhoneGap. The method I used is fs.download. However I got the error that the source url is unsupported. Here are the source and destination files.

source = "/var/mobile/Applications/9483756B-8D2A-42C5-8CF7-8D76AAA8FF2C/Shift.app/iqedata/5977e2e9239649d5a7e3b8a54719679f/06e2b8896e51472789fcc27575631f94.jpg";
target = "/var/mobile/Applications/9483756B-8D2A-42C5-8CF7-8D76AAA8FF2C/Documents/memoir/5977e2e9239649d5a7e3b8a54719679f.jpg";

Can anybody help me to implement the copyto method which I think should be the correct one to use to solve this problem? I only got the full path of both source and destination.


您要使用FileEntry对象的copyTo方法: http : //docs.phonegap.com/en/2.6.0/cordova_file_file.md.html#FileEntry

Using copyTo method wasn't always working for me, the moveTo method worked though. The below code, copies a file from the www folder to the /Library/LocalDatabase folder:

function copyToLocation(dbName){
   console.log("Copying :"+dbName);
   window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.applicationDirectory+ "www/"+dbName,function (fileEntry)
           window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory + "Library/LocalDatabase/",function (directory)

                 fileEntry.moveTo(directory, 'new_dbname.db',function(){
                    console.log('DB Loaded!');

                      console.log('Unable to load DB');
    }, null);

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