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How to Pass a List of String in MySQL Stored Procedure?

I'm trying to pass an array as a String in MySQL Stored Procedure but it doesn't work fine.

Here's my SQL Codes:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `search_equipment`(IN equip VARCHAR(100), IN category VARCHAR(255))
    SELECT *
        FROM Equipment
        WHERE e_description
        LIKE CONCAT("%",equip,"%")
            AND e_type IN (category)

And here's how i call the procedure:

String type = "'I.T. Equipment','Office Supply'";

CALL search_equipment('some equipment', type);

Any ideas?

Your friend here is FIND_IN_SET I expect. I first came across that method in this question : also covered in this question MYSQL - Stored Procedure Utilising Comma Separated String As Variable Input

MySQL documention for FIND_IN_SET is here http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/string-functions.html#function_find-in-set

So your procedure will become

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` 
PROCEDURE `search_equipment`(
    IN equip VARCHAR(100), 
    IN category VARCHAR(255)
    SELECT *
    FROM Equipment
    WHERE e_description LIKE CONCAT("%",equip,"%")
    AND FIND_IN_SET(e_type,category)

This relies on the category string being a comma-delimited list, and so your calling code becomes

String type = "I.T. Equipment,Office Supply";

CALL search_equipment('some equipment', type);

(ps fixed a typo, in your arguments you had typed categoy)

you have to create a dynamic statment:

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `search_equipment`(IN equip VARCHAR(100), IN category VARCHAR(255))
    SET @s = 
        CONCAT('SELECT *
            FROM Equipment
            WHERE e_description
            LIKE \'%',equip,'%\'
            AND e_type IN (',category,')');
    PREPARE stmt from @s;
    EXECUTE stmt;

This helps for me to do IN condition Hope this will help you..

CREATE  PROCEDURE `test`(IN Array_String VARCHAR(100))
    SELECT * FROM Table_Name
    WHERE FIND_IN_SET(field_name_to_search, Array_String);



call test('3,2,1');

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