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create json data for tree structure data with php array using recursion function

I have category table:

CategoryID    CategoryName   ParentID
     1           Root          Null
     2           News            1
     3           Horoscope       1
     4           Sports          2
     5           National        2
     6           Daily           3
     7           Aries           6
     8           Weekly          3
     9           Aries           8

I am trying to create the tree structured json data as follows:



I have following function to render all category and sub category

   public function categoryData($parent)
        $model=new Category();

        $category = array();

        foreach($cat as $record) 
          global $category;
          $category['id'][$record->CategoryID] = $record->CategoryID;
          $category['text'][$record->CategoryID] = $record->CategoryName;

          // $category['children'][$record->CategoryID] = array();

          //$names[] = $record->CategoryName;


        //array_push($category['children'][$record->ParentCategoryID], $category['children'][$record->CategoryID]);
        return $category;

Problem: but above action doesn't place category in array in proper format so that I can create the above json data format by applying json_encode($category) function.

How to place the category data using recursion function in tree structured array?

Add a public $children = array() property to your Category model. Then loop over the result and set a reference in the parent's $children array:

$categories = Category::model()->findAll(array('index'=>'id'));
foreach($categories as $category)
    $categories[ $category->id_parent ]->children[] = $category;

echo json_encode($categories);

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