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How to communicate between Flask and Javascript?

everyone. So i've been going through this documentation: http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/patterns/jquery/ . I have a Flask site up and running, but, when i try to set up what they have, i just get the error: GET 404 (NOT FOUND)

It just appears that the client can't even establish the connection with the server.

The only thing that differs on my side is how i assign values to the vars a and b. I've also made sure to include the script defining what $SCRIPT_ROOT is. Not sure what to do here. I also have jQuery properly loaded.

I was thinking about trying ajax, but i couldnt find a good example of ajax with python. (i'm pretty new to back end development)

$.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT + '/add_numbers', {
            a: 5,
            b: 5
        }, function(data) {                                 

basically, the whole point of what im trying to do is to eventually get data from a database into my javascript. I've managed to get data from my database into my HTML, but not into my JS yet. Thats what im trying.

$.getJSON is AJAX, it's just wrapped up nice and cleanly. Anyway, if you're using the server-side code from the article, then your JavaScript code has the wrong URL: you should be using $SCRIPT_ROOT + '/_add_numbers' with an _ before add_numbers .

Anyway, if you've got all the data in the HTML already, why not have the JavaScript extract the data from the HTML?

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