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How to get Windows DNS suffix search list using c++

How to get windows dns suffix serach list from ip configuration using c++ ? (.NET <= 3.5)

You can get them from the registry.

If set from the network control panel:


If set by Group Policy:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\DNSClient\SearchList

Use the Registry class to read , the same class can be use set but, you will need admin permissions to do so.

C# using Management and WMI Classes:

ManagementObjectSearcher q= new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT ServiceName,DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");// WHERE DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder IS NOT NULL");
var qc= q.Get();

foreach (ManagementObject mo in qc)
    if ( mo.Properties["DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder"] != null)
        var s = mo.Properties["DNSDomainSuffixSearchOrder"];
        if (s.Value != null)
            string[] sfxNames = s.Value as string[];
            foreach (string sx in sfxNames)

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