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Validation messages into Directive - AngularJS

I'm trying do a small reusable component in AngularJS using directives. I have made good progress but I have a problem with the validations. For example the required validation not working. I think is "binding" issue.

My HTML code: also in http://jsfiddle.net/pQwht/17/

<html ng-app="myApp">
<form ng-controller="Ctrl"
   <tr tdfield 
      labelname="Primary Account Number:" 
      title="Primary title" 

My directive script:

 angular.module('myApp').directive('tdfield', function() {
    return {
    restrict: 'A',
    transclude: false,
    scope: { labelname: '@', fieldname: '@', title: '@'},

My element.html code:

 <td id="lbl_paymentReference" class="formInputLabelWrapper">{{labelname}}</td>
 <td class="formInputTextWrapper">
   <input id="{{fieldname}}"
     class="large empty"  
<span data-ng-show="paymentCallForm.{{fieldname}}.$error.required"

Well, I solved this, but for what a price. There is a number of issues and angular related among them. I may not recall all, so here is the working example https://github.com/yaroslav-ulanovych/soq16245177 .

When you define scope parameter like scope: { labelname: '@', fieldname: '@', title: '@'}, (with an object as a value), that creates an isolated scope, which means not inherited from parent one's. Therefore here ng-show="paymentCallForm.{{fieldname}}.$error.required" is no access to the form. As a workaround ng-show="$parent.paymentCallForm.{{fieldname}}.$error.required" , but I didn't check whether your inputs are published in the form in case of the isolated scope. Or scope: true and inject attributes into the scope manually.

compile: function() {
    return {
        pre: function (scope, element, attr) {
            scope.fieldname = attr.fieldname;

Note on using prelink function, so that it's called before children are linked.

Next ng-show will actually use not interpolated expression and there is obviously no property named {{fieldname}} in the form. That is fixed in later versions of Angular, don't know when exactly, cause I'm using master.

But what is not fixed is ngModelController . It gets it's name very early so publishes itself on the form under wrong one. I had to fix that myself, good that there is only one line to do that, in file src/ng/directive/input.js .

// add
modelCtrl.$name = attr.name;
// before this

I believe you need a controller attached to your view. The form object will be attached to property with the id of the form on $scope object of this controller. Once you add that, I think it will start showing up.

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