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Set selected spinner item based on a name, not a position in Android

I have three spinners in an activity where I can edit information that the user has already entered into a database. I have been able to set the text of a textfield by querying my SQLite database to match what the user can edit. Can the same be done with a spinner?

For example, if a user picked the year 2000 previously, in the new edit activity I want the spinner to be already selected at 2000 and then they can change this if they want to.

So far I have only seen options to set positions of spinners based on an integer position. Can this be done by providing a year? Thanks for any help.

Here's what I am currently working on with my month spinner:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.months)) );
int pos = list.get("March");

All you can do is identifying the position of the item in the spinner and the setting the selection of spinner.

int pos=yourlist.indexOf("2000");



ArrayList<String> list=new ArrayList( Arrays.asList(getResources().getStringArray(R.array.years)) );  // your array id of string resource
int pos= list.indexOf("2000");

I had to do the exact same thing the other week. Here was my approach.

String userName = dataCursor.getString(dataCursor.getColumnIndex("USER_NAME"));
int position = listOfUsers.indexOf(userName);

where listOfUsers is the list I use to popular the Spinner, userSpinner . Hope that helps!



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