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check username of authenticated user then pass the username into javascript?

I have an ASP script that checks the username of the authenticated user, now I want to pass the username of the authenticated user into a javascript variable/string


Function isAuthorized()

Dim ipos
Dim ustring
Dim uname
Dim ilngth

ustring = Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER")
ipos = Instr(ustring, "\") + 1
ilngth = Len(ustring) + 1
uname = Trim(Mid(ustring, ipos, ilngth - ipos))

End Function


var chk = <%uname%>;

How can I make this work correctly and where in my code exactly do these elements go?

Set a property to get the username: eg in c# Public string Username{ get { return Page.User.Identity.Name;} }

Call this in JavaScript using <%=Username%>

Try this:

var chk = "<%= uname %>";

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