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Error when trying to read the .ini file from .nsi script

I have to write a NSIS script for deployment the report on the server.It works fine when I am using localhost .

Now I want to send this package to my client but the problem is that I don't know the SERVER IP of the client for this purpose I have write the .ini file. The content of the ini file is




# Script generated by DeepSofts - NSIS Script Generator
# Beginning Basic Section Script ...

Name 'DeployReport'
Icon 'modern-install-full.ico'
OutFile 'DeployReport.exe'
SilentInstall Normal
CRCCheck On

Section GetIP 0
ReadINIStr $ip "DeployReport.ini" "SETTINGS" "ServerIp"
MessageBox MB_OK "$ip"

Section Command 1
Exec '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\rs.exe" -i PublishSampleReports.rss -s http://localhost/reportserver"'

ComponentText 'A few details about the application that you have created'

AutoCloseWindow True

SetCompress Auto
SetDateSave On
SetDataBlockOptimize On

The problem is that the DeployReport.nsi script works fine untill I dont use the Section GetIP 0 and I am not able to find the error in the script.

您应该使用.ini的完整路径( "$exedir\\DeployReport.ini"

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