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URL access controll by IP in Tomcat7

I need to control URL access according to client IP on tomcat 7.0.39 This is what I found http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/config/filter.html#Remote_Address_Filter

but I can't understand all from it. Do you have any additional examples, totorials etc.

what I actually need is to allow all IPs access, eg. "http://base_url/a/b/c" and allow localhost/ access "http://base_url/a"

I couldn't understand how to match "any" IP or if i need multiple filters or multiple entries within the filter.


In fact, you need protect only /base_url/a , since other addresses are opened to all IPs. Define 2 filters. First to allow local access by IP, second by localhost:



If the filter you are writing doesn't work the way you are expecting to, you could always implement your own using the javax.servlet.Filter API ( http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/servlet/Filter.html ).

There are a couple examples here:

Writing a Servlet Filter is straightforward and you can make it achieve more than just IP filtering.

Thank you all,

Eventually I created my own filter this is how:

  • create class that extends BaseFilter and implament doFilter.
  • required jar files: catalina.jar, servlet_api.jar, tomcat_juli.jar
  • in the do filter running chain.doFilter means continue filter this connection (or use it if no more filters exists)
  • an init method can also be used to read params from web.xml (where you put the filter configuration)
  • add your new jar (with the filter to Tomcat's lib directory) add the jar name to Tomcat/conf/catalina.properties default jar scanner


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