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Passing a user-entered input value to another php page

I have an input box in index.php which takes some user input and queries a database using that input field as an attribute. This input is stored in $arrInput[0].

I also have a link to inspect.php which, when clicked, takes me to inspect.php but I need to pass $resultArr[0] to inspect.php so that I can use that variable to continue doing other things within inspect.php. How can I achieve this? \\

Currently this is what I have:

/* inspect.php  */
// Create a table with some rows. Then create this 
// column which has the inspect link
echo "<td>  <a href='inspect.php?id=<?php echo $resultArr[0]; ?>'>Inspect</a>

But I don't know how to access $resultArr[0] within inspect.php. I was told $_GET[] would help, but I'm not sure how and googling the subject hasn't been much help.

Can anyone please help?

Thank you

Not that hard. use $_GET['id'] .

echo "<td><a href='inspect.php?id=".$resultArr[0]."'>Inspect</a></td>";

I think you are using wrong syntax. Please check above code. You can the access 'id' key inside $_GET.

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