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Spring RestTemplate post response

I'm not familiar with Spring RestTemplate.

But for this project I have to use Spring RestTemplate to send a POST call to consume a rest api.

I'm using this code:

String restCall = restTemplate.postForObject(url+restParm, null, String.class);

This is working fine.

I would like to retriveve the HTTP status code (Eg: 200 OK.). How could I do that ? Thanks.

You use the postForEntity method as follows...

ResponseEntity<String> response = restTemplate.postForEntity(url+restParm, null, String.class);
HttpStatus status = response.getStatusCode();
String restCall = response.getBody();

It will be pretty weird if RestTemplate couldn't get the response,as others have suggested. It is simply not true.

You just use the postForEntity method which returns a


And as the documentation suggests, the response entity has the status.

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