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Select more than one row with same value in one column in mysql?

I'm trying to make a comment system using PHP and MySQL. I have made a table named "comment" which stores the details

id  | date      |product_id | user_name | email_id          | comment
    |           |           |           |                   |
1   |2013-05-07 |  10001    |  jabong   | jabong@jabong.com | this is good product
2   |2013-05-07 |  10001    |  john     | john@gmail.com    | I bought this product

and so on

Now I want to select and print all those rows which have product_id=10001. I'm using the following code to print the details

  $id=$_GET['id'];//this is the product_id which is taken from URL
  $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE product_id='$id'");
  while($data = mysql_fetch_array($query))
        $name = $data["user_name"];
        $email = $data["email_id"];
        $comment = $data["comment"];
        $date=strftime("%d %b, %Y", strtotime($data["date"]));

                        <td>Date: '.$date.'</td>
                        <td>Name: '.$name.'</td>
                        <td>Email_id: '.$email.'</td>
                        <td>Product Review: '.$comment.'</td>
                    </table><hr />'; 

and then I'm echoing them in the body section. but I'm getting only one result. so please help me to get the right code.

There was a small problem with my code. I was using the same variable twice and also i didn't use the concatenate symbol. But now it is solved---

      if (isset($_GET['id']))
      $query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE product_id='$id'");
      $review.='<table width="70%" cellpadding="6px" cellspacing="0" >';
            $name = $data["user_name"];
            $email = $data["email_id"];
            $comment = $data["comment"];
            $date=strftime("%d %b, %Y", strtotime($data["date"]));
                          <table width="100%" border="0" style="border:1px solid; border-color:#05fdee; background-color:#e4f2f1;">
                                <td rowspan="2" width="100px"> <img src="profile.png" /> </td>
                                <td align="left"><b> '.$name.' </b> says -</td>
                                <td align="right"><b> '.$date.' </b></td>
                                <td colspan="2">'.$comment.'</td>

        }// while loop ends here

First most important thing, clean your data.

$query=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE product_id='$id'");

while($data = mysql_fetch_array($query))

The second problem is you are overwriting the variable $comment in each loop, so you are only getting 1 record, even though you are looping twice.

remove this: $comment = $data["comment"];
change this: <td>Product Review: '.$comment.'</td>
to this: <td>Product Review: '.$data["comment"].'</td>

you have this line:

$comment = $data["comment"];

that's overwriting this one:

                        <td>Date: '.$date.'</td>
                        <td>Name: '.$name.'</td>
                        <td>Email_id: '.$email.'</td>
                        <td>Product Review: '.$comment.'</td>
                    </table><hr />'; 

so when you're making the echo $comment it's displaying the last one.

Change the variable and DONE

something like:

 $comment_sql = $data["comment"];
                            <td>Date: '.$date.'</td>
                            <td>Name: '.$name.'</td>
                            <td>Email_id: '.$email.'</td>
                            <td>Product Review: '.$comment_sql.'</td>
                        </table><hr />'; 

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