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Error “TypeError: 'int' object is not callable” in a for loop

I'm trying to print out some values according to a sequence rule n(n+1)/2 from another list, I have so far:

for i in range(0,5):
 print LHS[(i(i+1))/2]

Why should this not work but print LHS[i] be fine?

However this is raising the error in the title. I do not understand why this would not work in Python.

If anybody could help I would be very grateful!!

You forgot an operator here:


Python interprets that as a call expression; i must be a callable, passing in i+1 as the single argument. Since i is an integer instead, which is not callable, you get an exception.

Perhaps you meant:

i * (i+1)

您试图将“ i”作为函数i(i + 1)调用

也许您是说:i *(i + 1)?

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