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Is there a way to apply styles to columns in a p:selectManyMenu?

Is there a way to apply styles to columns in ap:selectManyMenu?

<!-- Cut down version of the code -->
<p:selectManyMenu id="myMenu" value="#{myBean.myEntries}" 
        var="ent" converter="#{EntriesConverter}"
        showCheckbox="true" styleClass="valign-middle mapMenu" >
    <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.entryList}" var="entry" itemValue="#{entry}" />
    <p:column styleClass="css_id">#{entry.id}</p:column>
    <p:column styleClass="css_name">#{entry.name}</p:column>

The generated code does not include the css_id and css_name and so I can't see a good way of applying css styling to the columns :(

Am I missing something or is it not possible? What are the alternatives?

I found a way to control the column width in a rather roundabout way:

/* MyStylesheet.css */

  height: 200px;
  width: inherit ! important;
.mapMenu table 
  table-layout: fixed;
.mapMenu table tbody tr td:nth-of-type(1) 
  width: 20px;
.mapMenu table tbody tr td:nth-of-type(2) 
  width: 50px;

It's probably not the best way of doing it, but until an alternative arises it'll have to do.

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