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FTP server Client using ftplib

I am trying to implement both a FTP server and a client to transfer files, but i am basically unable to make a connection between the two using the ftplib module in python....

This is what I did, how can I fix the code? Is there another approach?

Code for my server : -

       #making the important imports for file transfer :

       from ftplib import FTP

       #s = socket.socket()         
       host = ""
       port = 1227

       while True:
            c, addr = ftp_object_server.accept()
            print c
            print addr# Establish connection with client.
            print 'Got connection from', addr
            c.send('Thank you for connecting')

            ftp_object_server.close()                # Close the connection

Code for my client : -

     from ftplib import FTP


     host = "" # Get local machine name
     port = 1227                # Reserve a port for your service.

     #---------Creating My Own Set of username and passwords ------------------------#

     input_user_name=raw_input('Enter the Username')
     input_user_password=raw_input('Enter the password')           

     if input_user_name in Username and input_user_password  in Password:
         print ftp_object_client.recv(1024)


The ftplib module from the standard library only covers the client part of the FTP protocol. So what you did is trying to open two connections to . I'm assuming you meant localhost , which is anyway.

Not knowing what you are actually trying to achieve, there are some options:

  • transfer files using HTTP, use python -m SimpleHTTPServer (or python3 -m http.server in python3) and requests as client
  • use a prexisting solution (see the answers to One line ftp server in python )
  • implement your own server

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