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Autofac register derived types for an interface

I have an interface IBase with many derived interfaces IDerived1, IDerived2. I would like to register implementations for the derived interfaces using Autofac.

Given any derived interface, I can write a resolve method for that interface. What I'm wondering is, is there any way that I can avoid enumerating a list of all derived interfaces when building the container?

What I have now is:

public static void Register<TDerived>(ContainerBuilder b) where TDerived : IBase {
    b.Register(cc => DerivedFactory.Create<TDerived>(cc.Resolve<SomeDependency>())

// in my registration method
ContainerBuilder b = ...
MethodInfo genericRegisterDerivedMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("Register", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
List<Type> allDerivedInterfaces = /* query across various assemblies for interfaces which extend IBase */

allDerivedInterfaces.ForEach(t => genericRegisterDerivedMethod 
    .Invoke(null, new object[] { b })

What I'd like to have is:

public static void Create<TDerived>(IComponentContext cc) where TDerived : IBase {
    return DerivedFactory.Create<TDerived>(cc.Resolve<SomeDependency>());

// in my registration method
ContainerBuilder b = ...
MethodInfo genericResolveDerivedMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod("Create", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);

b.RegisterDerivedTypesOf<IBase>((cc, t) => (IBase)genericResolveDerivedMethod
    .Invoke(null, new object[] { cc, t })

This would avoid me needing to know the full list of IDerived interfaces when the applications starts. Is this possible?


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