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Interface returning derived types

class Result
   public string Data { get; set; }

interface IRepository
   Result[] Search(string data);

I have a fairly generic interface that searches for "something" and returns a Result . The IRepository interface can be implemented by several classes, each returning their own Result with their own unique metadata. For example, I can have a DiskRepository that searches for data on disk:

class DiskResult : Result
   public int FileSize { get; set; }
   public DateTime LastModifiedDate { get; set; }

class DiskRepository : IRepository
   public Result[] Search(string data) 
      // ...
      DiskResult[] results = GetDataFromSomewhere();
      return results;

The DiskResult contains extra information about the result that is specific to the DiskRespository . If I created another class that implements IRepository , that specific implementation may have its own set of metadata unique to that class.

In the end, I'd like my search controller to look like this:

class SearchController 
   private IRepository[] _repositories;

   public SearchController(IRepository[] repositories)
      _repositories = repositories;

   public void Display(string data)
      Result[] results = _repositories.Search(data);
      // Display results

I can easily display the Data property on my Result class, but is there a good pattern to display the metadata for each class that derives from Result ? I could have a bunch of if statements to check if the class is of a type, but that feels a bit clunky. Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to achieve?

One of the comments correctly points out that adding a virtual Display() to your Result class is a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle. Completely true.

Here's the rub with your question: because you want to do things like this:

private IRepository[] _repositories;

... there's no way to avoid doing a type check at run time. The compiler has no idea what subclass type-derived-from-Result will be returned. All that it knows it that your Repository's return a Result derived object.

On the other hand, if you use generics:

interface IRepository<T> where T : Result
    T[] Search(string data);

... you will, at compile time, know what subclass type of Result you're dealing with, thus obviating the need for type checking, and the long string of "if" statements that follow from the first approach.

If you can stick with using generics, then you can do stuff like this:

interface IResultDisplayService<T> where T : Result
    void Display(T result);

So, I suppose my question is: is it imperative to store an array of these repositories? What real world usage scenario is there?

I would not use the repository interface for that, but create a new one:

public interface ISearchProvider
    IEnumerable<SearchResultItem> Search(string keyword);

public interface ISearchResultItem
    string Title {get; }
    string Description {get; }
    NameValueCollection Metadata {get; }

Title and description should be enough for 90% of the search cases. For instance, a DiskResult might include folder etc in the Description property. The metadata can be displayed in a tooltip or a details view.

If that's not enough I would create a render interface too:

public interface ISearchResultRenderer
    bool IsValidFor(Type type);
    void Render(Stream stream);

And have a DiskResultHtmlRenderer implementation which goes through the metadata and structure it properly.

You could make IRepository a generic interface like:

interface IRepository<T>
    T[] Search(string data);

You can have a virtual method in result class which will display the results. Your child class can override it and can give their own implementation. Doing so when you call Display method your Result object will call respective method to do the display.

Something like this

class Result
     public virtual void Display()
          //Your Code

     //Your Code   

class DiskResult : Result
     public override void Display()
          //Your Code
     //Your Code

Your Display method

public void Display(string data)
   Result[] results = _repositories.Search(data);

   // Display results
   foreach(var result in results)


Hope this helps you.

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