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Parameterized class vs parameterized method

public class ExplicitTypeSpecification {

    static void f(Map<Integer, String> map){}

    public static void main(String[] args){
        New c = new New();

class New <K, V>{
    Map<K, V> map(){
        return new HashMap<K, V>();

This code compiles with no errors.

Then, we make some change in class New:

class New {
    <K, V>Map<K, V> map(){
        return new HashMap<K, V>();

We have parameterized just the method map() , but not the whole class. But in this case a compile error occures at line f(c.map()); :

java:  f(java.util.Map<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.String>) in
Generics.ExplicitTypeSpecification.ExplicitTypeSpecification cannot be applied to

We can point explicit types f(c.<Integer, String>map()); but I'm interested in Why we get a compile error? .

In both cases method map() returns Map<Object, Object> object, but in first case we get just a warning of unchecked assignment.

Question : why at the second case we have more strict type checking?

What is the dirrefence between new HashMap() and new HashMap<Object, Object>() ? Answer for this problem solves it.

In the first case, you are using the raw type New (rather than New<Integer, String> ) so all generic type-checking is disabled. This works as a compatibility mode for old (Java 1.4) code.

If you don't specify the type parameters, backwards compatibility with Java 1.4 will suppose that you want "Object". Also, you will get a warning about this.

So your function is equivalent to:

public static void main(String[] args){
    New c = new New();
    f(c.<Object, Object>map());

And then you get an error saying that you are trying to use the value Map<Object, Object> where a parameter Map<Integer, String> is expected.

Note: Map<Integer, String> is not a subtype of Map<Object, Object> .

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