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android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column

when i execute this query i get 'android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column' what is the error?

    public Cursor Getupdate(String rid) throws SQLException 

Cursor m1Cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM  Meeting   where meet="+rid , null);
    if (m1Cursor != null) {           
        if(m1Cursor.getCount() > 0)

 return m1Cursor;


05-28 01:22:27.999: E/AndroidRuntime(1411): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-28 01:22:27.999: E/AndroidRuntime(1411): android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such column: ttyuhomk: , while compiling: SELECT _id FROM  Meeting where meet=rage

For string data type always use quotes like this '"+rid+"'" since rid is String you get error.

You should use +rid only if rid is int.

您需要在 Where 子句检查中使用撇号(') .. 喜欢

db.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM  Meeting   where meet='"+rid+"'" , null);

You can also use like this.

db.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM  Meeting   where meet=?" ,
            new String [] {rid});

This will also solve for SQL injection problem.

Or, better yet, use a PreparedStatement and bind your variables. It'll escape strings and dates properly for you. It'll also help with SQL injection problems.

Just use single quotes ( '<YOUR_ID_TO_MATCH_WITH>' )

In case the above answers are still unclear, just use single quotes to surround the where clause.

Eg: db.update(TABLE_USER,contentValues, "$KEY_TOKEN='${token}'",null)

Notice the quotes in '$token' . That's just it! 😄

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