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Writing a program to print a “Hello, world!” program

I just started reading Accelerated C++ and I'm trying to work through the exercises when I came across this one:

0-4. Write a program that, when run, writes the Hello, world! program as its output.

And so I came up with this code:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << helloWorld << endl;

    return 0;

void helloWorld(void)
    cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;

I keep getting the error 'helloWorld' : undeclared identifier . What I figured I was supposed to do is make a function for helloWorld then call that function for the output, but apparently that's not what I needed. I also tried putting helloWorld() in main, but that didn't help either. Any help is greatly appreciated.

The way I read the textbook exercise is that it wants you to write a program which prints out another C++ program to the screen. For now, you need to do this with a lot of cout statements and literal strings surrounded by "" s. For example, you can start with

cout << "#include <iostream>" << std::endl;

You're not actually calling your helloWorld function anywhere. How about:

int main()
    helloWorld(); // Call function

    return 0;

Note: You'll also need to declare your function prototype at the top if you want to use it before it's defined.

void helloWorld(void);

Here's a working sample .

To call a function, you need to:

  • Provide a declaration prior to its use
  • Follow its name with a pair of parantheses, even if it doesn't have any arguments.
  • Provide a return value in order to use it in an expression.

For example:

std::string helloWorld();

int main()
   cout << helloWorld() << endl;

std::string helloWorld()
    return "Hello, world!";

而不是cout << helloWorld << endl;

In your main function, helloWorld is not a declared variable.

You want hellowWorld to be a string whose contents are the hello world program.

depending on the compiler you are using, you might need to put helloWorld function before your main like this.

void helloWorld(void)
int main()

I use visual studios and I am forced to do this ....

You dont really need the helloworld function defined at the bottom. Something like this should do it.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    //cout will output to the screen whatever is to the right of the insertion operator, 
    //thats the << to it's right. 
    //After "hello world" the insertion operator appears again to insert a new line (endl)
    cout << "hello world" << endl;

    //cin.get()  waits for the user to press a key before 
    //allowing the program to end
    return 0;

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