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Replace string using regular expression

I always encounter regular expressions but I don't really try to understand and use them. But my current project is forcing me to use a regular expression so I need someone who can give me the correct regex to replace a simple string. Basically I'm replacing a small subset of longtext retrieved from a database. The longtext is just a paragraph(s) with text anchors in a form of:

<a href="example.com" title="blah3x">Example</a> 

So the question is how do I replace the value of the title attribute? Please note that the text may contain two more anchor tags so I'd like to able to specifically target each of them.

EDIT: I'd like to use pure PHP on this. I think I know how to do this using js/jquery.

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->loadHTML('<a href="example.com" title="blah3x">Example</a>');
$anchors = $doc->getElementsByTagName('a');
foreach ($anchors as $anchor)
    $anchor->setAttribute('target', '__blank');
$html = $doc->saveHTML();

echo $html;

See it in action


You could do this with the following regex




  • ( start capture group 1
  • <a\\b consume open angle bracket and an a followed by a word break
  • [^>]*? consume all non close angle bracket characters up to... this forces the regex to stay inside the anchor tag
  • \\btitle= consume a word break and title= , the break helps do some additional checking
  • (['"]) capture group 2, ensure the an open single or double quote is being used
  • ) close capture group 1
  • (.*?) start capture group 3, and non greedy consume to collect all text inside the quotes
  • \\2 reference back to the string from capture group 2, if you used a single quote to open the value, then a single quote will be required to close the value. Same if you had use a double quote.

In the replace command I'm simply replacing the entire found string from <a to the close quote with: group capture 1, followed by the desired text NewValue followed by the close quote from group capture 2.

PHP example

$sourcestring="<a href="example.com" title="blah3x">Example</a>";
echo preg_replace('/(<a\b[^>]*?\btitle=([\'"]))(.*?)\2/im','\1NewValue\2',$sourcestring);

$sourcestring after replacement:
<a href="example.com" title="NewValue">Example</a>


Since parsing text via a html parser is not the desired solution , I'll skip the usual soap box disclaimer about parsing html with Regex.

'@<a (.*)title="(.*)"([^>]*)>(.*)</a>@iU',
'<a $1title="'.$replacement.'"$3>$4</a>',

Note that the i at the end of the expression makes it case insensitive, and the U makes it ungreedy.

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