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Decoding a ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE string in Android

I'm trying to decode a string from my vcard

ADR;WORK;;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;Building 723 Room 317;;Auckland;;Private Bag 92019 Auckland;New Zealand

into standard text to display on my Android view. I have already parsed the address field with a vCard parser, using the example in http://android-vcard.googlecode.com/hg/examples/ReadExample.java .

I have followed the suggestion here for decoding: to use the codec library. However, it is still displaying the string as ;Building 723 Room 317;;Auckland;;Private Bag 92019 Auckland;New Zealand instead of decoding it.

My decoding code:

    byte[] byteAddress = address.getBytes();
    String decodedAddress = "";
    try {
        decodedAddress = new String(QuotedPrintableCodec.decodeQuotedPrintable(byteAddress));
    } catch (DecoderException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    TextView textView4 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.address);

That is because a quoted-printable string of ;Building 723 Room 317;;Auckland;;Private Bag 92019 Auckland;New Zealand is exactly the same as the unencoded string. The semicolons ; have nothing to do with quoted-printable encoding, instead, adr is a structured element that uses semicolons to denote its parts, in this order:

  • PO box
  • Extended address
  • Street address
  • Locality (eg city)
  • Region/state
  • Postal/ZIP code
  • Country name

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