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JSF 2.0 Forbid calling action after failed validation in actionListener

I have a dialog for adding some data:

<p:commandButton id="save" 
    value="#{msg.save}" ajax="true"
    onmousedown="return validateSubmit('addCombinedTeamForm', ['name'],'lang')"
    oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed) addCombinedTeamDialog.hide()"
    process = "@form"
    update="lang, name, :manageTournament:dataList,:manageTournament:scroll, :menuForm:growl, :manageTournament:nationalTeam">



In saveTeam I try to validate data but action case in case validation failed.

Is it posible forbid calling action?

From an action listener, you're supposed to throw AbortProcessingException when you want to abort the processing of the remaining action listeners and the final action.

However, better would be to use a real Validator on the input component. This way the whole invoke action phase will be bypassed.

See also:

In your saveTeam if validation fails you can call FacesContext#renderResponse() on your current FacesContext instance to skip all the subsequent phases and go to render response phase.

Just add the line bellow:


in case of validation fails in saveTeam .


My suggestion will be to use a real validator for validation purpose .

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