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Zend php function error - Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in

I've this function and am getting this error

Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in

$diff = array_merge($followers['ids'], $friends['ids']);


Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 


 public function addtosystemAction(){
        $this->_tweeps = new Application_Model_Tweeps();
        $http = new Zend_Http_Client();
        $followers = Zend_Json::decode($http->request()->getBody(), true);
        $friends = Zend_Json::decode($http->request()->getBody(), true);
        $diff = array_merge($followers['ids'], $friends['ids']);
        $resultArray = array();
        foreach ($diff as $id){
            if(FALSE == $this->_tweeps->checkExisting($id)){
                $resultArray[] = $id;
                if(count($resultArray) == 50){

Any tips why I'm getting this error ?

you should check if array is empty before passing to the function

Try this

public function addtosystemAction(){
    $this->_tweeps = new Application_Model_Tweeps();
    $http = new Zend_Http_Client();
    $followers = Zend_Json::decode($http->request()->getBody(), true);
    $friends = Zend_Json::decode($http->request()->getBody(), true);

    if( (!empty($followers['ids'])) && (!empty($friends['ids'])) ){
      $diff = array_merge($followers['ids'], $friends['ids']);
      $resultArray = array();
      foreach ($diff as $id){
        if(FALSE == $this->_tweeps->checkExisting($id)){
            $resultArray[] = $id;
            if(count($resultArray) == 50){

It looks like you're not authenticating when connecting to the Twitter API. Both of your links result in {"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]} when not authenticated, and in that case, $followers['ids'] won't be an array because it doesn't exist.

Twitter's API documentation contains information on authentication.

If that's not the issue, I apologise, but it looks like it judging by your code.

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