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How to compare two datepicker dates using jQuery

This is my code:

var $from = $("#fromDate").datepicker('getDate');
var $to = $("#toDate").datepicker('getDate');
if($from > $to)
   alert("from date shouldn't greater than To date");

It is working if it is two dates in the same year. Otherwise, for example fromDate='1/12/2012'(dd/mm/yyyy) toDate='18/6/2013'(dd/mm/yyyy), while you check the condition, it is not working. It throws an alert, which is given.

Auto limit your dates instead. In this example the second combo box won't allow you to pick a lower date than the one you pick on the first one.

$(document).ready(function() {


    numberOfMonths: 2,

    onSelect: function(selected) {
      $("#txtToDate").datepicker("option", "minDate", selected)


      numberOfMonths: 2,

      onSelect: function(selected) {
         $("#txtFromDate").datepicker("option", "maxDate", selected)


Here is a working demo .

You need to use this to get the day/month/year:

var day1 = $("#datepicker").datepicker('getDate').getDate();
var month1 = $("#datepicker").datepicker('getDate').getMonth() + 1;
var year1 = $("#datepicker").datepicker('getDate').getFullYear();

After that, you can compare the values.

Date.parse(fromDate) > Date.parse(toDate)


var sDate = $('#EFT_FRM_DATE').val();
var eDate = $('#EFF_TO_DATE').val();

if (Date.parse(sDate) > Date.parse(eDate) || Date.parse(sDate) == Date.parse(eDate)) {
   ShowMessage(CurrencySetupExchangeIndex.EndDateGreaterStartDate, 'Error');
   return false;

Simplified statement:

if (Date.parse(sDate) >= Date.parse(eDate)) {...

 $(document).ready(function() { $("#startdate").datepicker({ todayBtn: 1, format: "dd-mm-yyyy", startDate: '1d', autoclose: true, }).on('changeDate', function (selected) { var minDate = new Date(selected.date.valueOf()); $('#enddate').datepicker('setStartDate', minDate); if($('#enddate').val() != "" && ($("#enddate").datepicker("getDate") == null || Date.parse($("#enddate").datepicker("getDate"))< Date.parse($("#startdate").datepicker("getDate")))) { var date = new Date($("#startdate").datepicker("getDate")).toLocaleDateString(); date = date.split("/") date = date[0] + "-" + date[1] + "-" + date[2] $('#enddate').val(date) } }); $("#enddate").datepicker({ format: "dd-mm-yyyy", autoclose: true, }) });

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