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Send RestKit logs to Crashlytics

If I understand correctly then using CLSNSLog instead of NSLog will also send logs (which I see in the console while developing) to the Crashlytics log report. Sounds perfect.

What would be even more perfect, is that all output that I get in console would be sent to Crashlytics. More preciscly ... RestKit currently logs network requests like this:

I restkit.network:RKObjectRequestOperation.m:174 GET ' https://api.domain.com/api/ ...'

I restkit.network:RKObjectRequestOperation.m:210 GET ' https://api.domain.com/api/ ...' (200 OK) [1.3199 s]

Is there a way to include RestKit logging also in the Crashlytics Logs ?

This would give me a perfect trace (what I see in the console log while debugging/developing is in my opinion the best trace possible since I am used to the output sequence) that would later help me identify the problem.

Not that I want to encourage you to log everything over the network to crashalytics, because I'd say it's a much better idea to log to a local file, rolling the contents so you never have more than a few hundred lines, and only upload following a crash.

That said, RestKit uses LibComponentLogging, so you can find configuration details here .

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