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Search an element in a sorted and pivoted array

I need to search for an element in a sorted and pivoted array (array may contain repeated elements). Sorted and pivoted array means a sorted array is rotated by k elements.

int sortedpivot( int arr[], int start , int end , int x)
        if ( start > end ) return -1;

        if ( start == end ) return x== arr[start]? start : -1;

        int mid = ( end - start ) /2 + start ;
        if ( arr[ mid] == x) return mid;

        if ( arr[ mid] > arr[ start])
                if (    x< arr[ mid] && x>= arr[ start])
                        return sortedpivot( arr, start , mid-1, x);
                        return sortedpivot( arr, mid + 1, end , x);


                if (    x> arr[ mid] && x<= arr[ end])
                        return sortedpivot( arr, mid+1, end, x);
                        return sortedpivot( arr, start, mid-1 , x);



The above code fails in array with repeated elements. Can anyone suggest improvements?

One possible answer could be..

1) First find the minimum element and make it in sorted order.

         Complexity : worst-case O(n)

2) Search desired element by binary search.

         Complexity : log(n)

The below python code does the rotation of array and search for the element using binary search

import random

def rotate(a):
    n = len(a)
    tmp = a[n-1]
    for i in range(N-2,-1, -1):
    a[0] = tmp

def rotate_multi(a,t):
    if t > len(a):
    for i in range(t):

def binary_search(a,l,h,item):
    if l > h:
        return -1

    m = (l+h)//2
    if a[m] == item:
        return m
    elif a[m] > item:
        return binary_search(a,l,m-1,item)
        return binary_search(a,m+1,h,item)    

def find(a,item):
    pos = 0
    for i in range(len(a)-1):
        if a[i] > a[i+1]:
            pos = i
    if a[pos] == item:
        return pos
    elif item > a[len(a)-1]:
        return binary_search(a,0,pos,item)
        return binary_search(a,pos+1,len(a)-1,item)

if __name__=="__main__":
    print("Python program for Array rotation and binary search")
    N = int(input("How many numbers?"))
    a = random.sample(range(1,1000), N)
    print("The input numbers are")
    r = random.randint(1,N)
    print("The input numbers after %d rototations" %r)
    item= int(input("Enter the number to search ?"))
    pos = find(a,item)
    if pos == -1:
        print("The number %d not found in the array " %item)
        print("The number %d found at the position in the array at postition %d" %(item, pos+1)) 


Python program for Array rotation and binary search

How many numbers?10

The input numbers are

[108, 351, 426, 492, 551, 563, 617, 687, 720, 780]

The input numbers after 7 rototations

[492, 551, 563, 617, 687, 720, 780, 108, 351, 426]

Enter the number to search ?720

The number 720 found at the position in the array at postition 6

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