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Referencing a column in an array perl

I have a file which contains multiple rows and columns of data. I need to read in the file and print when a particular column matches a particular number.

This is what I have below, I currently do not get any results:

my $old_flag = 'file1.txt';
my $new_flag = 'file2.txt';

open (IN, "<$old_flag");
open (OUT, "+>$new_flag");

my @data = <IN>;

for (@data) {
    my @old_flag;
    @old_flag = split /\t/, $_;
    push (@records, @old_flag);

foreach my $record (@records) {
    if($record[2] == 11125) {
        print OUT "$record[2]\n";
    } else {

You probably think you are creating a two-dimensional array by doing this

push (@records, @old_flag);

But in fact you are just pushing values onto a regular array. And here, you think you are accessing a two-dimensional array

foreach my $record(@records){
    if($record[2] == 11125) {

But in fact, you are just checking the same non-existent array element every loop iteration. You see $record and $record[2] refer to two different variables. The latter is just the third element of the @record array. Which you have never declared. If you had used use strict you would have gotten the error:

Global symbol "@record" requires explicit package name at foo.pl line 12

What you might do to fix it is:

push @records, \@old_flag;    # works because @old_flag is a lexical variable
foreach my $record (@records) {
    if($record->[2] == 11125) {

Here, you are treating $record as an array reference, which it is.

You are having these problems because you are not using

use strict;
use warnings;

These two pragmas have a certain learning curve, but they will prevent you from making simple mistakes and typos and will reduce your debugging time.

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