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IIs rewrite rule append value to querystring

I am trying to make a rule for URL rewrite in IIS all day long,but none of my rules are working ..

I want to make rewrite url to transform for these types of Url

http://localhost:2811/Search/S%2fqIMmjstZg%3d/VehicleDetails.aspx To http://localhost:2811/Search/VehicleDetails.aspx?mid=S%2fqIMmjstZg%3d

http://localhost:2811/Search/yYut%2f%2fBrHa8%3d/VehicleDetails.aspx To http://localhost:2811/Search/VehicleDetails.aspx?mid=yYut%2f%2fBrHa8%3d

http://localhost:2811/Search/nNLApdJeWJI%3d/VehicleDetails.aspx To http://localhost:2811/Search/VehicleDetails.aspx?mid=nNLApdJeWJI%3d

with following rewrite rules

            <rule name="QueryString">
                <match url="^Search/([_0-9a-z-%=\+\$]*)$/VehicleDetails.aspx" />
                <action type="Rewrite" url="Search/VehicleDetails.aspx?mid={R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />

But its not working..Help Please!!!

You have wrong patten. I suggest you following:


Now explanation (from end)

  1. /VehicleDetails.aspx$ - static text, which is on the end of string
  2. ([^/]) - everything except "/"
  3. /Search/- static text (you coluld try to add ^ in the begging but be careful with / after)
  4. You can test your expression in IIS UI: 在此处输入图片说明

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