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Custom Validator not firing

I realize there are lots of similar posts, however I have not found one that has worked for me unfortunately. Basically, I have an asp:customvalidator that I am trying to add to a validationgroup with other validators so that all error messages appear in the same alert. Here is the customvalidator

<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtVideo1Url"  Columns="20" Width="98%" />
<asp:CustomValidator runat="server" ID="valURL1" ControlToValidate="txtVideo1Url" OnServerValidate="txtVideo1Url_ServerValidate" Display="None" ValidationGroup="submission" />

and here is the event

    protected void txtVideo1Url_ServerValidate(object sender, ServerValidateEventArgs e)
        e.IsValid = false;
        valURL1.Text = "FAIL!";

The event isn't firing at all and I have no idea why. Once I can get the event firing I can put some actual logic into it, lol

UPDATE: I've noticed that I am now able to get the event firing, however the validationsummary is set to display all errors in a messagebox and this error isn't getting added to the messagebox.



您需要将TextBoxCausesValidation属性设置为true ,如下所示:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtVideo1Url"  Columns="20" Width="98%" CausesValidation="true" />

您必须将ValidationGroup =“submission”添加到将触发回发的ASP.NET控件。

CustomValidators don't fire if other Validators in your ASPx are not validating. You may need to force a Page.Validate("something"), with your specific validation group. I suggest look at OnTextChanged event to force a page validate.

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