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Parsing result from file_get_contents('php://input')

I'm using file_get_contents('php://input') to retrieve all the POST parameters/values from a particular web service, eg:

$postText = file_get_contents('php://input');

which results in something like this:


I then need to get each of the individual key/value pairs as I need to set them into fields in a new database record. For example I would like to end up with:

$inReplyToId = MG1133
$to = 61477751386
$body = test

Once I know the individual value I can set the corresponding field in the database. I would normally use:

if(isset($_POST['inReplyToId']) && $_POST['inReplyToId'] !== '' ) {
    $request->setField('_kf_GatewayMessageID', $_POST['inReplyToId']);

But that won't work in this case as it's not a application/x-www-form-urlencoded form that is being submitted.

You can use parse_str function to parse query string:

$queryString = 'inReplyToId=MG1133&to=61477751386&body=test&from=61477751386&messageId=166594397&rateCode=';
$data = array();
parse_str($queryString, $data);


For example I would like to end up with:

 $inReplyToId = MG1133 $to = 61477751386 $body = test 

To get array keys as variable you can use extract :


Edit 2 : If you already have code that uses $_POST variable with respective indexes you can merge data with it:

$_POST = array_merge($data, $_POST);

But modifing these variables is not advisable.


You can use this code! try!

$postdata = file_get_contents("php://input"); 
//$postdata = '{"mail": "mistermuhittin@gmail.com", "number": 6969 }';

$obj = json_decode($postdata); 
echo $obj->{'mail'}; // mistermuhittin@gmail.com


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