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Stray end tag head - cannot recover when validating

I've looked at many of the similar threads on here and tried out the suggestions, but I'm getting nowhere. I'm trying to validate my site, but it's coming up with 3 errors and then stopping processing -

url: http://www.dominosvouchers-uk.co.uk

Line 39, Column 7: Stray end tag head. </head>

Line 41, Column 122: An body start tag seen but an element of the same type was already open. … sidebar-b-right isblog " data-config='{"twitter":0,"plusone":0,"facebook":0}'>

Line 41, Column 122: Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored. … sidebar-b-right isblog " data-config='{"twitter":0,"plusone":0,"facebook":0}'>

Can anyone help me work out why? Is it just because HTML is so full of holes? The site seems to work OK.. but a bit worrying that it 'cannot recover after last error' and stops.

看来我没有正确使用rel = author标记,应该

<a rel="author" href="https://plus.google.com/108165491209678636768" />    (added self closing tag, and seems to have fixed it :))

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