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How do I communicate back and forth with a popped up window

In my web page I use this function to show a small pop up Window

function popup (url) 
     poppedUpWindow= window.open(url, "PopupWindow", "width=400,height=300");
     return false;

I need to share objects between thoos 2 windows. I tried doing something like this but it does now work

poppedUpWindow.document.documentElement.addEventListener("load", foo, false);

Is also possible that I do something like this

 function popup (url) 
         poppedUpWindow= window.open(url, "PopupWindow", "width=400,height=300");
         var tmp = poppedUpWindow.document;
         return false;

But this approach will make solving the problem much harder. So how should I transfer information from the parent window to the popped up window and vice versa?

From the documentation for postMessage :

Send a message like this:

otherWindow.postMessage(message, targetOrigin);

otherWindow can listen for dispatched messages by executing the following JavaScript:

window.addEventListener("message", receiveMessage, false);

function receiveMessage(event)
  if (event.origin !== "http://example.org:8080")

  // ...

Keep in mind browser support: http://caniuse.com/#feat=x-doc-messaging
IE 8+, Firefox 3+, Chrome all versions, Opera 9.5+, Safari 4+

Here is how I solved the issue for anyone else facing the same issue. I am considering the browser to be either chrome or firefox. I did not test other browsers. The event "load" in Chrome sometimes gets fired before the whole javascript files loads.

function popup (url) 
     poppedUpWindow= window.open(url, "PopupWindow", "width=400,height=300");

         window.setTimeout("doSomething()",300); //this value could vary! 300ms seemed fine to me!
            fenster.addEventListener('load', doSomething, true); //  FireFox 
 return false;

function doSomething()
var a = poppedUpWindow.document.getElementById("b");
// do anything you want..


In the other html there should be this method

function receiveMessage(event)
  if (event.origin !== stringUrlOfFirstWebPage)
    event.source.postMessage("hey!",event.origin);//talking back to the first web page

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