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mysqldump.exe is creating blank mysql database backup file when mysqldump exe is invoked through java

Following is my code.I don't know why it is not working.After debugging it,I found that runtimeProcess return "java.lang.ProcessImpl@1afe17b" and processComplete returns 1.I think i am not able to construct command which i am passing to .exec.Please helpme.

public static boolean backupDB(String Database, String Dbuser, String Password) throws    IOException, InterruptedException 
Process runtimeProcess;
runtimeProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"cmd.exe", "/C","C:\\Program     Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.5\\bin\\mysqldump.exe -u"+Dbuser+" -p"+Password+Database+"       >F:\\backup.sql"});
int processComplete = runtimeProcess.waitFor();
if (processComplete == 0) {
System.out.println("Backup created successfully");
return true;
System.out.println("Could not create the backup");
}catch (Exception ex)
return false;

It might just be an artefact of the way that you wrote the Question, but this doesn't look correct:

  "C:\\Program     Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.5\\bin\\mysqldump.exe"

You've got 5 spaces between Program and Files , where there is normally only 1. That could be enough to prevent the shell from finding the executable.


I think you need to find out what is being written to stderr. The simple way would be to redirect that to a different file. (I'm not sure what syntax you use to do that in Windows command language ...)

A straight forward method would be to first try out the command on command line and use a String as a parameter rather than a String[] array.

String cmd = "C:\\Program     Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.5\\bin\\mysqldump.exe -u"+Dbuser+" -p"+Password+Database+"       >F:\\backup.sql"

Failing that, you can always use the following to figure out what is going on behind the scenes.

Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
r.exec("your command")

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