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Android resource not found exception. Specify a resource by string

package com.example.tictactoe3d;

import min3d.core.Object3dContainer;
import min3d.core.RendererActivity;
import min3d.parser.IParser;
import min3d.parser.Parser;

import min3d.vos.Light;

public class MainActivity extends RendererActivity {

    private Object3dContainer objModel;

    public void initScene() {

        scene.lights().add(new Light());

        IParser parser = Parser.createParser(Parser.Type.OBJ,getResources(), "res/raw/camaro_obj" , true);

        objModel = parser.getParsedObject();
        //objModel.scale().x = objModel.scale().y = objModel.scale().z = .7f;

    public void updateScene() {

I am getting a resource not found exception coming out into the log of Eclipse ADT. The min3d library I am using requires to access the resource with a string. I am able to access the resource using R.raw.camaro_obj with the auto complete however the min3d library wants to access that same resource with a string. I have tried:




Is there some way to access the resource "res/raw/camaro_obj" by string somehow?


The call in min3d sample project looks like this:

        IParser parser = Parser.createParser(Parser.Type.OBJ,getResources(), "min3d.sampleProject1:raw/test2_obj" , true);

The code that is actually called by that line is doing this:

    public AParser(Resources resources, String resourceID, Boolean generateMipMap)
    this.resources = resources;
    this.resourceID = resourceID;
    if (resourceID.indexOf(":") > -1)
        this.packageID = resourceID.split(":")[0];
    this.generateMipMap = generateMipMap;

You normally don't use a string, you access them by id. R.raw.camaro_obj will be an int and you can get an input stream to it by calling getResources().openRawResources(R.raw.camaro_obj);


I did some googling, this http://androidbook.blogspot.com/2009/08/referring-to-android-resources-using.html may help

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